mercredi 21 décembre 2011

A question I wish to ask you on culture

Being cultured -i mean cultured classically, like fondness for Shakespeare's sonnets or love of Haydn's symphonies- maybe used to be cool and hip, now it's considered old, self-indulgent and cheesy. And contrary to the values of 68, which were founded on cultural premises - amid very different ones. Is the 68 movement guilty of the cultural degradation we see today ? And by cultural degradation I mean that a fundamental part of the past was forgotten - not that all contemporary art is degraded.
It would be curious to investigate on the perception and image contemporary art has on the masses. Let's not forget that part of the contemporary art project is anti-elitist and directed towards consumers - hence the importance of pop art.

lundi 12 décembre 2011

Faithful Men

We men are faithful mostly because we haven't had any opportunities to betray.

mercredi 7 décembre 2011


El arte, la espiritualidad, la cultura, el amor, la amistad, nos dan los medios de recuperar y desarrollar día a día nuestra dignidad y nuestra humanidad. No somos ángeles, cierto, pero tampoco somos bestias ni máquinas.